1362 Kennedy Road, Scarborough, ON M1P 2L7

Wisdom Teeth Removal :

A common oral surgery treatment is wisdom tooth removal, often known as wisdom tooth extraction. Dentists would advise this procedure to maintain your dental health and preserve your other teeth from any problems in the future.Third molars, or wisdom teeth, are located in the very rear of your mouth and typically they erupt between the ages of 17 to 25.

Who Needs Wisdom Teeth Removal?

You might need wisdom teeth removed if you ,

  • have teeth or bones nearby that are damaged.
  • Feel soreness close to the back of your mouth.
  • has wisdom teeth that erupted irregularly or sideways.
  • to prevent debris and food from getting trapped near your wisdom teeth.
  • have cavities in a wisdom tooth that has partially erupted.
  • develop a cyst (a fluid-filled sac) around a single or several wisdom teeth.
  • gum disease, especially in the area surrounding your teeth.

Find out why your dentist might recommend having your wisdom teeth removed. We have our in-house oral surgeon and offer evaluation and extraction services for wisdom teeth.